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Introducing Dobbins Transportation

DOBBINS TRANSPORTATION provides solutions to your non-emergency medical-related transportation needs. Certain medical conditions can limit a person’s physical, cognitive, mental, or developmental functions. This puts their health at a higher risk when traveling. We offer reliable transportation services to bring you to your destination safely and more efficiently.

caregiver looking at the senior man

What We Do Services We Offer

We know that every individual requires different attention, so we offer a variety of services to make your travels more convenient.

doctor and senior woman smiling

Doctors Appointments

Never miss your doctor’s appointments and keep your health in check.

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man assisting man in wheelchair get into the vehicle

Emergency Room Pick up

We can pick you up from the hospital to your desired destination.

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man on a dialysis

Dialysis Drop off / Pick up

We offer transportation for your routine dialysis appointments.

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wheelchair in a vehicle

View More Services

Learn more about the transportation services that we provide.

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Our Commitment Mission Statement

Our passion is to help ease the struggles of those with physical, cognitive, mental, or developmental limitations and their families due to certain medical conditions. Thus, we are committed to providing them safe, trustworthy, and efficient non-emergency transportation to make sure that they have a convenient and hassle-free transportation experience.

About Us
car in the road

Set an Appointment

Book an appointment with us today for safe and convenient transportation.

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It’s always good to help others out. Refer anyone who might need our services.

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Interested in being a part of a game-changer team? Join us!

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We truly appreciate any comments and suggestions to make our services even more reliable.